I let it wash over my body
I squeeze it between my fingers and my toes
I spread out my limbs and rest in it
You see we have a special relationship the sand & I
We give ourselves to the world graciously, allowing its view to shape and mold us where they want
We just want to be free,
Free to love
Free to protect
Free to grow into who we are meant to be
Do you see me?
Standing in my garden
Taking in the things God created and I nursed
Do you see me?
Do you see how my beauty doesn’t compete with the awe around me
We compliment each other
Do you see me? Appreciate me? Love me?
I am the woman in the garden and I belong here
Can I sit here a while,
Can I stay here for a moment
Away from the demands
Away from the noise
Here, where everything that moves in unison for the greater good
Here, where it doesn’t matter who I am or where I come from
I pray
I meditate
I relax
I restore
I am safe
I am safe
I am safe
If I just sit here a moment
If I can just stay here a while
She painted her skin with flowers
With pinks, purples, yellows, greens, and reds
A sweet kiss from the sun shining on her face nourishing her, giving her life
When she was done she was the most beautiful bouquet I have ever seen
It’s 5:30 am and the moon is beginning to make way for the sun
It’s a crisp morning and as I fill my lungs with air, my senses are awakened
The frost on the ground is starting to ease and has left dewy crystal in its place
I slip off my shoes and sink my toes into the dirt one toe at a time
I plant my knees into the soil and plunge my hands into the earth
Finally, it’s the time I have been waiting for all winter
It’s time to plant.