Take a peak into the lives, experiences, and work ethic of artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives from around the world.

The Homecoming: Ghana
“My creative process is, I close my eyes, make sure I'm in my body, I take the pen and let my hand move. My process is a centering process and an indicator of where I really am and how I feel. Then I find the balance and authenticity to make sense out of it all.”
-Stephanie-Blair Watts
Tiara Boyd
“I had to prove it to myself, I found something I like, something I enjoy and I was going to find a way to live comfortably.”
-Tiara Boyd
Joe Dinkha
“Everything in my life has been a progression.”
- Joe Dinkha
Olivia G. Pearson
“As a kid, other kids called me bossy. That hurt my feelings for a while, then I realized you're not bossy baby, you’re a boss.”
- Olivia G. Pearson
DeAngelus Garcia Jr.
“My first memory of art: There’s a big building with chipped white paint getting on to I-94 west,” Garcia recalls, “I was young and it was a sunny winter day and I remember hearing Same Old Love by Anita Baker, it gave me a fuzzy butterfly feeling.”
— DeAngelus Garcia Jr.
Lauren Daniels
“I definitely knew I wanted to do my own thing.”
— Lauren Daniels
Joe Robinson
“People who can hustle really well, we think everything is easy, we don't get scared, opening up a grocery store doesn't scare me, you just follow the steps and don’t quit.”
- Joe Robinson

V a l e n t i n a Juncaj *
“The whole time I was preparing for this brand I was thinking what inspired me this whole time. What does this jewelry and brand mean and what am I trying to say?”
— Valentina Juncaj
D O N A V A N G L O V E R.
“I don’t put myself into a box when it comes to thinking or creating. When I am in that mode to figure out something, I do it.”
- Donavan Glover